How to use brand identity to deal with a crisis.

Posted on : October 21, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

How to use brand identity to deal with a crisis. 4 examples of brands that have managed the. Coronavirus crisis by focusing precisely on brand identity. A year has now passed since, for the first time. We found ourselves faced with the concrete problem of a health. Emergency and with the need to stay inside […]

Why does video strategy help your brand

Posted on : October 21, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

Why does video strategy help your brand. All the benefits of using corporate videos. In the communication and marketing of your business. Do you want to talk about your brand. Share a message with your audience. But don’t you want to end up forgotten or. Even worse, not reach people. To impress not only on […]