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Posted on : August 27, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

If you’re just trying to figure out what an HTML doctype is and which one to use in emails, we’ve got your back. Diving into HTML and CSS can be overwhelming, but we’re here to streamline that process. In this article, we’ll go over what a doctype is, why you should use it, and which one you should use. What is doctype? Doctype declaration, also known as a document type declaration, is a set of instructions to a web browser or an email client that the following document is written in a particular scripting or markup language.

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It does so by calling a particular document China Email List type definition (DTD) and thus associating it with your document. Check out the following HTML email doctype declaration below  As a whole, the code above is the doctype declaration. This instructs an email client or web browser to expect a document scripted in HTML 4.01 Transitional. The code that follows after !DOCTYPE is the DTD. We’ll go over what HTML 4.01 Transitional is – along with other possible doctypes – later in this article.

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Why is HTML email doctype important? In BH Lists the world of HTML email, doctype tells your subscriber’s email client to expect an HTML document written in a particular version of HTML as well as what languages to expect and other key information. With this information, your subscriber’s email client will know how to render your beautiful HTML email template properly. What is standards mode vs. quirks mode? “Standards mode” is when you’ve correctly included a doctype declaration and your subscriber’s email client can properly render your HTML email.


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