A surprise offer represents unexpect value that readers

Posted on : October 7, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

Strong keywords can help capture recipients’ attention. 11. Surprise (Campaign Monitor) campaignmonitor People like to receive something of value from every email they open. This could be a link to an amazing article an excellent discount offer or a useful infographic. An effective way to present a surprise offer is to include a description of […]

Descriptive words stand out next to the standard emails

Posted on : October 7, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

Instead of putting the entire story inside your email you can also design your newsletter to require one click to open. This will give you more engagement data and help you improve future content. Why it works : Using stories keeps your material fresh and helps structure the content of your emails. 15. Descriptive (Mailchimp) […]

Teaching your audience is one of the best ways

Posted on : October 7, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

Controversial (Ian Brodie) ianbrodie Controversial subject lines often produce an immiate response from readers bas on whether or not they agree with the statement you’re making. As Ian Brodie describes in this post it’s important to make sure the email subject actually addresses the controversy and has something to say. If you simply include a […]