Are Defined And Provided By The Customer

Posted on : April 9, 2023 | post in : Special Database |Leave a reply |

Ad you can make processing and payment easier for yourself by linking the relevant order invoice details to the transaction details on your AirPlus statement . With AirPlus Virtual Cards Procurement you have a suitable payment solution for all online procurements – and save yourself both high processing costs and a lot of time. You can also use AirPlus to pay your suppliers immdiately to receive discounts while you save your cash flow with an extendd payment term.

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Discover the digital payment solution for your company now: Find out more about the many advantages of AirPlus Virtual Cards Procurement database for your company in our free on-demand webinar. The next business trip is sure to come – and then you are simply well prepard with our checklist. Because as far as the perfect preparation is concernd, we are perhaps all a little rusty after the long time without traveling. Let’s just go through the most important steps together in advance.


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The preparation: from the right visa to the right app Admittdly – there are more exciting questions than asking about the right visa and BH Lists the correct formal confirmation of the business trip by your employer. However, you should make sure that the success of your trip does not fail because of formalities. If you have any questions about current visa and entry regulations, you can use the expertise of professional service providers.

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