WordPress site from a brute force attack

Posted on : October 8, 2023 | post in : Special Database |Leave a reply |

A brute force attack is a hacking method that uses trial and error to crack passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys. It is a simple but reliable tactic for gaining unauthorized access to web portal accounts or computer systems.

The hacker tries multiple usernames and passwords , often using a computer to test a wide range of combinations, until he finds the correct login information. The name “brute force” comes from the way attackers attack, using excessively forceful attempts to gain access to accounts. Despite being an old method of cyber attack, brute force is tried, tested, and remains a very popular tactic in the hacking world today.

How to protect your site from brute force attacks on WordPress

After having identified your strategy and put it down in writing, the time comes to choose the style that best represents the company at Christmas . It will be necessary to make the website, social pages, newsletter and any other channel you want to use  latest database Christmas-like. The important thing is to choose a single style that is consistent with your business and apply it to all channels to create uniform and branded communication. This way users will be able to recognize your company online at a glance.
Obviously it will also be necessary to standardize offline communication in order to create continuity.

Limit login attempts

latest database

Why not take advantage of the Christmas period to give visibility to a new product or service ? During the holidays people are much more attentive to companies’ proposals as they look for ” the perfect gifts “. This particular period of the year leads users BH Lists buy more and search for products online, so it is the ideal time to give visibility to a new product or service. Our advice is to plan sponsored advertising campaigns that are in line with the rest of the Christmas communication.

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