
Posted on : June 9, 2024 | post in : phone number database |Leave a reply |


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Only promote your


very best content. Not the “good” stuff, not even the “great” stuff – the very best. By “best,” I mean the stuff that is performing the best, so not just what you want to perform well, but the content that is japan phone number already getting a lot of attention and engagement from your audience. We did this at WordStream with a blog post about the death of Google+, and it blew us away: Paid social media only promote best content We knew this was a hot story, so we paid to promote it on Twitter.

 We spent a grand


total of $250 to promote this tweet, which not only netted us 1,500 retweets, but more than 100,000 visitors! Obviously this represents insane ROI, so only promote your very best content – let other handles iran phone number tweet useless fluff! How to Find High-Engagement Tweets The easiest way to identify high-engagement tweets is by exporting data from your Twitter Analytics dashboard. Paid social media identifying high engagement tweets This allows you to examine the data for engagement metrics such as retweets, favorites, and replies, making it easy to see which tweets are hitting the mark. Those top-performers are the ones you want to amplify.

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