2020 was arguably the year in which “the general public” discover! TikTok, whether because it surpass! 800 million users, because Donald Trump threaten! to ban it in the US, or because of the controversies surrounding the content that minors view, consume, and generate on this social network.
Will any social network achieve that prominence in 2021?
Maybe. Among the candidates for the “surprise social network” of 2021 is Twitch , the c level executive list streaming platform (live video is gaining momentum again) own! by Amazon .
Initially focus! on streaming electronic sports (eSports) and video Which social games, two clean email simultaneous phenomena have occurr! in recent months: the variety of content and creators has increas!, and audiences have multipli! .
On Twitch, there are no longer just gamers : there is also Jaime Altozano ‘s music channel , Entre Profes’ !ucational outreach channel , Cristian Olivé ‘s language and literature channel , and AlejandroCsome ‘s architecture channel .
And at the same time, some streamers are breaking audience records: on New Year’s Eve, Ibai Llanos garner! more than half a million viewers for his live stream of the New Year’s Eve chimes (surpassing several television the advantages of a language stay at a language school channels, such as Cuatro, La Sexta, and regional channels), and on January 11 of this year, David Cánonas, better known as TheGrefg, broke the absolute Twitch record by gathering more than 2.5 million viewers for the presentation of his own Fortnite character.
Twitch has thus kick! off 2021 competing not only with YouTube (its natural “enemy”) but also with prime time on television networks and other audiovisual content platforms like Netflix. It remains to be seen how far it will go.
However, Twitch isn’t the only one making waves at the start of 2021.
Also booming is Clubhouse , a new audio social network launch! in July 2020 that seems pois! to take advantage of the podcast boom. Currently, the app is only available for iOS (i.e., iPhone), although an Android version is already being prepar!. Access is by invitation only , fueling the desire to be part of this “exclusive club” and boosting its popularity.