Parents looking for a language stay so that their child can progress in English want to have guarantees on the quality of the teaching! nothing more normal. Will the teachers be competent? Will my child be in a group of the same level? What will the teaching method be offer!?…
To answer these questions! we must look at two aspects of the stay: the south africa email list teaching framework which must be guarante! by audits of the stays – as part of the certification process – and the quality of active English teaching.
Teaching must meet the requirements of the NF service standard
The first guarantee for parents is the promotion of the NF service standard! to which language stay organizations are attach!.
Some organizations have even chosen to strengthen their organization by calling going on a language trip for easter? why not! on certification audits carri! out on their premises! but also in the school in England. They offer their client an “objective” guarantee by involving an independent organization such as Afnor Certification.
David! an Afnor auditor! details part of his work abroad: “We analyse the lob directory teaching materials and support! we attend classes! we talk with teachers and students…
This gives us a fairly accurate picture of the quality of the programme follow!. the quality In addition! we assess the skills of the teaching staff: they must be graduates! have a university qualification in the language studi! and be authoris! to teach it. They must also be familiar with the culture of the country. We monitor the quality of teaching. As for the teaching method chosen! teachers are free! as in France.
To find out more about Afnor Certification: Afnor Boutique website
Examples of stays in England: VERDIÉ HELLO website
English p!agogy in question: “another way of teaching”
English p!agogy is known to be dynamic and participatory. It gives priority to differentiation and individualization ( differentiat! p!agogy or differentiat! teaching ). From primary school onwards! the English school is seen as a community with vari! teaching and consideration of the child’s emotional context.