The truth is a puzzle and requires much more than ordinary modern journalism. That is why you should not ask for the truth as a journalist, not even in this example of NATO. The only thing you can do is ask questions as ‘good’ as possible, looking for everything that is hidden behind that propaganda. The same applies today, where social media is an indispensable tool for the reputation management or crisis management spain phone number list of an organization. If you check the reporting on social media, ask the right questions.”
I stood there and watched
“Let me take a political example that we all have an opinion about: the war in Afghanistan. Who asks why we are still there? Who puts it in a broader context and looks at all the connections? Australian author Phillip Knightly does an excellent job of this . We go through various in his book The First Casualty . He looks at how wars have come about since 1890 and notes a few shocking facts. Every time, only half-truths or complete lies are spoken. Decisions or crucial information remain confidential . Finally, the most striking thing: those wars come about because no one really wants to find out what is actually going on.” I point out to Mathias our Dutch saying: I stood there and I watched.
Dare to ask questions
Mathias and I continue to talk about reporting and corrections. A before and during wars and corrections years after the wars are over. “If we are lucky, incorrect reports are corrected, but who reads such a small, pathetic and miserable message apple intelligence: are you already on the waiting list? on page so-and-so? People may have too much confidence in what they are presented with by the media. In times of war, they believe in that reporting. They see monsters in other people. Of course, that still happens in 2012, especially because we are becoming increasingly lazy. We are bombarded by information. However, I must add a critical note here: a lot of people nowadays want to be able to question political systems or tongliao phone number list think further about various processes. Brave We go through various journalists dare to re-evaluate their work. Individuals who want to substantiate their worldview.