The quality of the network! but also of the service! are decisive to satisfy customers today! moreover always attentive to the price. To reposition its mobile offer! currently using the Salt network! the German operator iWay wants to transform itself into a complete virtual operator (MVNO) by taking advantage of the Swisscom network.
iWay wants to become an independent provider for fixed and mobile telephony . This strategic evolution! which will be implemented gradually from 2025! will allow iWay to offer more attractive products and to stand out more in a very competitive market! according to this blog post .
For its new mobile offering! iWay has chosen to rely on the physical network of Swisscom! the market leader! by becoming a fully-fledged MVNO. This strategic choice will allow iWay to benefit from the quality and coverage of the Swisscom network! while maintaining a high degree of autonomy in the design and marketing of its offers.
Clean infrastructure for more flexibility
In parallel! iWay is developing its own hardware and software overseas chinese in uk data platform to manage its mobile services. This approach will give the operator greater flexibility to react to market developments and quickly implement new features.
iWay customers will thus be able to benefit from more competitive and innovative offers! the German-speaking operator having the stated ambition of becoming “the best alternative to the major operators”.
A gradual launch from 2025
iWay’s new fixed-line telephony products will be available from the beginning of 2025. As for mobile offers based on the Swisscom network! they will be launched in the second half of 2025. This Way leaves Salt and bases its gradual transition checklist: how to choose a name for an online store? will allow iWay to ensure that the transition to its new infrastructure is smooth.
As part of this new strategic direction! iWay will end its current collaboration with telecom service provider Nexphone. This decision is part of the company’s desire to strengthen its autonomy and flexibility in the market.
Salt would like to provide the following clarification after lob directory publication of this article:Swisscom products
“The title and some elements of the article could be misleading: iWay is not leaving “Salt” directly! but rather its current partner! “Nexphone”. The change of supplier is not necessarily linked to the quality of the network. We do not have a direct commercial relationship with iWay.