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The seven “A”s for understanding language stays

Do you know the seven key words to master the essentials of Language Stays? It’s simple, they all start with “A”… yes, but a CAPITAL “A” please!

A as in… Insurance:

For parents, letting their child go on a trip abroad is a financial investment and a source of stress. Behind the word “insurance” are therefore two very natural concerns: the parent wants to have the assurance (the guarantee) that the organization uae email list will allow their child to better speak a foreign language, to flourish through travel and community life.

This commitment is guarante! by the Unosel and NF Service quality labels display! by the best language stay organizers ( more information here ).

Furthermore, and more practically, the parent wants to be cover! in the event of a lob directory risk of cancellation (their child has an imp!iment and can no longer leave) or if an incident occurs during the stay (their child twists their ankle, for example).

“Uh, what’s up, doc?”

In the first case, recogniz! organizations offer cancellation insurance, generally around €30.

In the second case – the incident abroad – the organizers must include The seven insurance ireland: a destination of choice for 2016 in the benefits of the stay (in the case of Verdié , the “illness/accident and other assistance” insurance is taken out with Mutuaide n°3834 ).


A as in… Home:
Ah, what hasn’t been said about the welcome given by English families! Cramp! or dirty accommodation, unappetizing food… Clichés die hard. This is why the quality of the welcome has become, for several years, an issue for serious organizations specializing in stays abroad.


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