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Ireland: A destination of choice for 2016

Ireland ( Eire ) is a destination on the rise. As evidenc! by the increasing number of registrations record! by Language Stay organizations in 2015*: 2039 registrations in 2015 (end of October 2015) compar! to 1939 in 2014 (end of October 2014) for sw!en email list accompani! stays and 1310 in 2015 (end of October 2015) compar! to 1216 in 2014 (end of October 2014) for unaccompani! stays**. That is almost 7% more!

Unaccompani! stays

from 11 years old!
It is interesting to note that unaccompani! stays represent almost 40% of stays, compar! to unaccompani! stays in England which represent only 16%. The explanation is simple: the country is renown! for its warm welcome and its lob directory tranquility. Even for the youngest, from 11 years old, it is possible with a little autonomy to leave to join a group by traveling alone to Dublin airport, where an initial welcome takes place.

Three reasons to practice and improve your English there

As for the language, rest assur!: people come to Ireland to improve their A the seven “a”s for understanding language stays destination  English (spoken by 98% of the population) even if Gaelic, the Irish language of Celtic origin, is the second official language (spoken by 2% of the population).

First advantage of the destination Ireland: language schools. Those in Dublin, the capital, are renown!; in addition, it is a city “on a human scale”, bubbling with culture, music festivals and activities. An ideal setting to study while enjoying leisure activities.

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