This question has become a recurring trends in podcast one in the last year: the podcast as a rising digital narrative ! in an environment where audio is becoming increasingly relevant and with an on-demand consumption modality gaining followers.
All of this! in a booming market : competing in Spain are Spotify! Podimo (nicknamed “the European Netflix of podcasts”)! iVoox! Cuonda! and Spreaker! projects linked to media groups such as Prisa’s Podium Podcast! and services linked to whatsapp number list large platforms! such as Amazon’s Audible! Apple Podcast! and Google Podcast.
Considered a passing fad by some! and the future of communication made present by others! the podcast generates growing expectations .
1. Spain is one of the world’s leading podcast consumers.
This is trends in podcast revealed by the Reuters Institute’s Digital News trends in podcast Report clean email 2020 : 41% of Spanish internet users surveyed said they listen to podcasts! placing Spain as the most popular among the 20 countries worldwide analyzed in the study! ahead of Anglo-Saxon markets such as the United States and the United Kingdom! close European neighbors such as France! Germany! and 50 years later! in the footsteps of winston churchill in london Belgium! and Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina.
Specifically! the percentage of podcast users in Spain is ten points higher than the average for the countries in the panel.
2. It’s not a temporary situation: digital audio has been increasing in Spain since 2016.
While it’s true that the pandemic and lockdowns contributed to the rise of this format last year! the podcast boom doesn’t appear to be temporary or sporadic.
IAB Spain’s ” Digital Audio Study 2021 ” shows that digital audio consumption in Spain has increased steadily since 2016! whether through streaming radio! on-demand music! podcasts! audiobooks! or content for voice assistants.
In 2021! six out of ten Spanish internet users over the age of 16 listened to digital audio ! compared to four out of 10 who said they did so five years earlier.