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Fast If Your Brand Generates a Lot of Press Articles

Fast If Your Brand Generates a Lot  Look at the reliable and relevant references at the bottom of Yoast’s page; it’s hard to discredit them. Keep in mind that anyone can add a page, and real editors will check and judge whether a page is valid or not. There will be a discussion, and the page will live or die on your proven merits. Also note that Yoast most likely didn’t create their own page. A Yoast user who felt they were worthy probably did.

I have a Wikipedia page too. It wasn’t me who created it, it was a fan of my music and cartoons. As a person, I am known for the music albums I released on record labels and the whatsapp data TV series I created for digital terrestrial television. A self-published site or releases only on Spotify don’t count (that would be too easy).

Be careful  – if you create a Wikipedia page and it is google employees call on the company deleted by an editor, your brand will be considered spammy, and you will have to wait (and beg) for years before another attempt succeeds.

In the Fast If Your Brand Generates a Lot spotlight



When you type Google in Google (bis)


Since content comes from a variety of sources, and rarely from the brand’s website, only major brands can expect to land “Top Stories.” A brand needs a sustained level of media coverage from trusted media sources for this enriched element to be a relevant option on the first page of a Google search. Of course, news must be fresh to be valuable.

For this example, we come across multiple stories every day. If you are a big brand, maintain a good relationship with the media that appear in Google News. For smaller betting email list brands, don’t waste time on this: it will come when you are truly newsworthy.

Special mentions

Special mention goes to these examples, which are extremely interesting and excite many Google users, but are completely beyond our control or influence.

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