Even if you think about

  Even if you think about your newsletters. This is where video email marketing comes into play . A method that makes your messages more captivating and engaging , bringing various benefits: More efficient and effective email communication ; The combination of images and sound allows greater personalization and exclusivity of the message ; The opening rate increases and the percentage of email abandonment decreases; The number of clicks on the message increases , even over 60%. The potential is remarkable, right? If you want to start using videos in your newsletters you can choose two main approaches: the horizontal or the vertical one . The first case refers to how video is used within your email.

In the second case


 In the second case, attention is paid to the actual content of the video. It is therefore a question, first of all, of understanding what type of target audience is and what objectives you want to achieve. Then the content will be specifically calibrated to meet these needs. The most used email marketing tools allow you to insert videos without difficulty and in a way that integrates this type of content perfectly. Read also: why are videos the future of communication? How to add a video in a newsletter? If at this point you are looking to integrate your video into your next  Shipbuilding and Boatbuilding Email List newsletter, you should know that there are two alternative ways to achieve the same result : Insert a play button in the body of the email , linking it to an image. This option is simple and fast, however it has limitations and is rather approximate.

Use an email marketing

Use an email marketing program that contains the specific function for inserting videos. In the latter case, an example is, once again, mailchimp. Among the various functions, in fact, the platform presents the possibility of creating a video newsletter, just by dragging the reference widget for the videos. The mechanism is really immediate and is guaranteed by the possibility of directly entering the video url. Remember that, like other content, video also needs to be optimized . You just need a few rules : Choose short videos , which have a duration of around one minute; Always insert BH Lists subtitles; Keep the audio off when the video starts playing; Provide useful and interesting videos for the audience. Are you already thinking about your next email marketing strategy? Take advantage of all the advice on how to set up emails, the tools to use and even the videos. All that’s missing is your touch to make your next newsletters effective and successful.

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