This content was written by the EAD Plataforma team , an online distance learning platform that allows you to create and sell courses on the Internet. Simple, intuitive and affordable, EAD Plataforma has been on the market since 2014 and already has more than 1,400 customers. Marketing objectives. It is possible to find research, which indicates that the average conversion rate for an e-commerce is 1.33% , for example, with the best being around 3.6%. Does this mean that these should be absolute benchmarks for rates consider good? Not necessarily! If you understand your audience well, create relevant content and offers, and direct.
We have an example of this here at
Them to landing pages that offer exactly what they are looking for, your conversion rate will be high ! Possibly bigger than this new database reference I present… We have an example of this here at Orgânica : we have already built a landing page whose conversion rate was 98% in the last 6 months! Landing page example In fact, this was a result achiev with our Content Calendar , bas on the application of the two criteria I mention: clarity about the public’s desires and the construction of pages that meet these desires.
The conversion funnel is the process
Therefore, using market benchmarks is useful, but much more important is understanding that a positive conversion rate is actually one that shows continuous improvement over time . Tip: How to make your company found by BH Lists your customers? Strategies to increase conversion rate Several strategies can be adopt to optimize conversion rates in Digital Marketing ! Most of them involve exercising an analytical and data-orient perspective . See some ideas: Conversion Funnel Optimization The conversion funnel is the process that people who haven’t yet purchas from you go through until they become customers.