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 AMIS timekeeping software

 AMIS timekeeping software MISA AMIS Timekeeping software integrates advanced timekeeping technologies, providing all necessary features, including shift assignment, application management, sending work confirmation, automatic work summary, and exporting reports in Excel format. The highlight of the software is the ability to closely link with payroll systems, making the payroll process more convenient and accurate.

AMIS’s outstanding features include:

  • Diverse timekeeping: Supports many advanced timekeeping methods such as face recognition (Face ID), GPS telegram data positioning, QR code, and Wifi connection, helping to meet the timekeeping needs of many types of work.
  • Shift management: Allows flexible shift work for employees, helping to organize work effectively.
  • Application management: Integrated features to process leave applications, absences and related applications, supporting accurate management of personnel records.
  • Payroll Linkage: Tightly integrated with payroll systems, enabling accurate and efficient payroll processing based on timekeeping data.

Wise Eye – Free timekeeping application

Wise Eye, developed since 2008, is a free timekeeping software trusted by many Vietnamese businesses. The software allows dynamic and large background photos  timekeeping by fingerprint. Face and combined with an electromagnetic lock for access control. Thanks to upgraded versions. Wise Eye helps businesses track working time and manage human resources effectively. Becoming a reliable management tool.

Key features of Wise Eye include:

  • Access Management: Integrates with access control systems to help manage and monitor employee access to sensitive doors or areas within the facility.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Provides detailed reports that analyze employee time, attendance, late arrivals, early departures, and other performance-related information.
  • Payroll Integration: Connect to payroll systems to automatically calculate and process salaries based on timekeeping  buy lead data, minimizing errors and saving time.
  • High Security: Ensure data security through advanced security measures, such as data encryption and multi-factor authentication.
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