♬ Chinese New Year – SALES
This format has been a winner for Erin and has drawn in many followers.
There are many other small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs on TikTok who love to hear advice, and you can provide that. While they may be drawn in by that advice, they can also become customers and help grow your following so even more people see your TikToks.
Again, you don’t have to reveal all your secrets, but transparency lends itself to authenticity. In the process, you’ll also build your personal brand as a business leader and inspiration to others.
Erin, for example, has shared:
How to launch a new product successfully
How to find a manufacturer
What you do (and don’t!) need to start a fitness apparel company
The best marketing channels
##entrepreneur ##shopify ##business
♬ original sound – Armando
She also has fun with these TikToks. Some are longer series of tips, some are just quick videos with snappy music and tidbits of inspiration. Remember: TikTok isn’t LinkedIn. There should be an element of entertainment.
“I think what works best is just whatever you can do to get eyes on you, whether it’s information, tips, something educational, or something fun and different,” phone number library Erin says.
4. Show how your products are used
You don’t want this to be the only type of TikTok you’re posting, but you should absolutely show off your products or services.
The best way to do this is to show your products actually being driver error irql_less_or_not_equal windows 10 used. For Erin, that means showing herself, employees, or models wearing the clothing. That can be as simple as a quick change, or something more complex, like showing how to style her b2b reviews clothing.