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2. Pack an order

That doesn’t mean you have to get into all the nitty-gritty details, but showing how you run your business gives a human touch and satisfies curiosity. You’d be surprised what people find interesting that you may just see as part of your day.

“You always have something to talk about, no matter what stage you’re at,” Erin says.

Erin, for example, has posted videos showing her stockroom, setting up for a pop-up event, and showing how she receives inventory through a window in the office. These ideas not only offer transparency, but show your products are in demand.When the warehouse sends you videos of all

Organizing your products or office space

Celebrating milestones like your 100th sale or an anniversary
Preparing for a new product launch
Showing how you design and select products

Packing an order in a video is a fun way to show what happens behind the scenes while also showing the care you put into each order.

This is your chance to show potential customers what to telegram data expect when their package arrives. It’s an especially great idea if you include things like freebies, thank-you notes, or special packaging.

Some businesses on

TikTok even have customers request to see their order package in a ways to fix search not working in windows 11 video, which is a special bonus for them if you have time. Just remember to never reveal a customer’s personal information, such as their full name or address.

Erin has done this idea by shooting a timelapse of her b2b reviews and her staff packing many orders.


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