She said that when she has a popular TikTok, the effect is immediate.
“When that happens, there’s consistently always 300 people on the website all day long. It’ll bring in 60,000 views over the course of just a few days,” she says.
The first time Erin went viral on
Even TikToks with smaller views are valuable, she said, because it still drives so much traffic to her website and Instagram. Other founders have seen similar results, using Tik Tok for business as a way to bring awareness to their shops.
“It’s eyes on your website, and it works really well. So sometimes I just need that reminder, like, oh yeah, make a TikTok today.”
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On TikTok, authenticity is key
Erin stumbled on her TikTok strategy accidentally, but it’s an important lesson in authenticity. Audiences on TikTok don’t just want b2b reviews to be sold something, they want to be educated, inspired, or entertained by a real person.