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Web Tuning. 10 Tips for Travel Websites

Summer is long gone, but who said that you can only have a vacation during this period? I became interested in what travel companies offer. I honestly admit that many vacation sites disappointed me. Banal design, lack of their own features. In general, such a dull atmosphere. It felt like they were all clones of each other.

But, having dug deeper, I still found cool examples of design of foreign sites with similar themes. Here is a selection of 10 tricks for tourist sites.

Section “Services”

Clearly and specifically describe the services your company provides. Competent content + advantageous presentation will ensure you a constant flow of customers.

An example of such a site: ComfortVisa , which, by the way, was developed by Artjoker :


Thomas Edison: If you want to come up with great ideas, know that the best ones you can borrow.

Wow effect

The first page should catch your attention at first glance with its originality. I hope everyone remembers the rule that a visitor’s opinion is formed in 10 seconds? Having qatar telegram data entered the site and seen the first page, the client should want to go on vacation. It is logical to display a beautiful image that will inspire the necessary thoughts.


Panoramic images

Everything is simple here: large, bright photos will never be superfluous.

An example would be the website visitbrisbane:

4 Interactive map

Imagine how cool it would be if when you go to a website, you could open a map, select the country you need and see the addresses of hotels, restaurants, and vacation spots. Create a map that any tourist can open and plan their vacation in advance, understanding where they will go shopping, what theater or pub they will choose. By selecting the categories you are interested in, you can find out their location:

Visual effectsOn the website VisitFinland.comThe visuals are amazing. The site is easy to navigate and divided into sections that cover current events, travel news and travel tips. Each image is there for a reason: it complements the content and, taken together, conveys the truly mysterious atmosphere of the site. There is much to learn.


Call to Action in the Form of a Path

Who said that you can’t place a call to action at the very end of the page? Yes, if you approach it wisely. For example, as they did on the VisitBrasil.com website , laying out a path from a light line, following which, eventually, the visitor reaches the finish line – the “order” button.


Visualization of transport schedules

Create a feature that allows a traveler to select the nearest flight based on their location.

The company acted in a similar manner TravelBelize:

8 Big Background Video

Video is a powerful tool of influence. Place a evaluate the current state of the website’s user experience huge background video on the main page, which will definitely engage the visitor’s attention, convey your character and spirit. The main thing is that the video does not steal the show. It should complement your communication and influence the action, i.e. order/booking. An example of placing a background video on the same tourist siteTravelBelize:


Ability to expand photos to full screen

On a tourist website IrelandYou can enjoy wide-format images to your heart’s content. The site has a function to switch to a mode in which the image is displayed on the entire screen. Indeed, it is fascinating.


10 Calendar with dates of interesting events

So that tourists don’t waste precious minutes crawler data searching for “where to go in the evening” — take care of this. Provide information in the form of a calendar: choosing the desired date, the visitor will be able to see the list of upcoming events and decide for himself where to go. I found a good example on the website Tnvacation:


That’s all for today. In exactly one week, we’ll talk about what tricks can be used on medical-themed websites.

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