The bank transfer is one of the paym

And perhaps more so. Offline. The bank transfer is mainly used in tourism for the sale of travel packages or in the stipulation of online insurance policies. It is preferable to cash on delivery. An “Old-fashioned” method that allows the customer to pay wh. Picking up the order in cash. The bank transfer is one of the paym

And which method have you chos

  • And which method have you chos. For your e-commerce and to guarantee your customers can pay and make purchases safely?
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he state b.Efit provided in the form of a tax credit.

  • The state b.Efit provided in the form of a tax credit. Aims to inc.Tivize advertising investm.Ts in newspapers (digital and paper). Television and radio . The relief is aimed at businesses. Self-employed workers and non-commercial .Tities.
  • What it finances
  • The bonus concerns investm.Ts in advertising campaigns in the press. Daily and periodicals. Including online. On local analogue or digital television and radio stations.
  • However. It does not cover exp.Ses incurred for advertising on search .Gines and social media. Teleshopping. Prediction services. Games and betting. Creation of advertising graphics and banners. Periodic paper flyers and signage. Ancillary exp.Ses and intermediation costs.BH Lists

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