OptinMonster reports that email open rates

By asking their readers to contact members of Congress they can generate interest in causes that matter to their audience. Why it works : Asking for participation can be a great tactic for gaining influence with your email following. 28. Harry’s – “Two razors for your friends (about us)” (OptinMonster) OptinMonster OptinMonster reports that email open rates can be increas by 10-14% if they include a subject line that is personaliz. Including someone’s name in the subject line is a tactic but this example from grooming brand Harry’s uses a personal style of writing.

A play on words can be very obvious but it nes to fit well

This can be risky in many cases but it fits perfectly with Vooza’s other content. Africa Email List Why it works : A play on words can be very obvious but it nes to fit well with your brand voice and audience expectations. 27. UNICEF – “Today is the day! Tell Congress to  (Campaign Monitor) campaignmonitor The non-profit organization UNICEF relies on the generosity and support of its followers to drive global change. This example shar in a post by Campaign Monitor was tim to coincide with an upcoming congressional vote.

Use numbers and a clear offer in your subject line to get more attention

africa email list

They state a simple offer of $5 for the stay but don’t mention what it can actually be us for. This tells readers that something is free but requires them to read more to find out the details. Why it works : Use numbers and a clear offer in  BH Lists  your subject line to get more attention. 26. Vooza – “Here’s why smart people don’t do well on Facebook” (ARITIC) ariticdotcom ARITIC presents this subject line from mia startup Vooza as the perfect example of being authentic to your brand. They present a controversial statement about Facebook users that is sarcastic and intend as a pun.

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