Given that you’re unlikely to ever outrank

page a priority? Nobody has infinite resources

, so there’s no point in breaking your back trying to rank pages that don’t matter much. You need to prioritize. There’s no exact formula for what should and shouldn’t be a priority. It depends on your business. We typically judge pages by their business potential and search traffic potential. Business potential scores how easy it will be to pitch your product or service on a page. Here’s the scale we use: How to judge the business potential of a topic Traffic Potential is how much organic search traffic the page could get if it ranks #1. You’ll find this metric (and many other SEO metrics) in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. We

calculate it by estimating the total amount of organic search traffic

to the current top-ranking page. Checking a topic’s Traffic Potential in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer Could the page get more organic traffic? Plug the main focus keyword your page targets into Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and check the Traffic Potential (TP) metric. This is the top-ranking page’s estimated organic search traffic from all the keywords it ranks for, which is usually a good proxy for the TP of the topic. Checking a topic’s Traffic Potential in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer If this number is higher than the

estimated search traffic to your page

(in the chosen country), then it can probably get more traffic. You can check this by plugging your page’s URL into Ahrefs’ Site Explorer. Checking a page’s estimated search traffic in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer BE CAREFUL WITH THESE ESTIMATES For some keywords, the top-ranking page isn’t the best one to derive traffic potential from. For example, the Traffic Potential for “google search console” is 33K. But if you look at which page the estimate is derived from, it’s Google’s official page about Search Console.

Example of a misleading Traffic Potential estimation

this, it’s better to look for a page similar List of Jordan Cell Phone Numbers  to yours in the search engines results and derive traffic potential from that. In this case, the top four results are all official pages from Google, so this guide in position #9 is probably a truer estimate of the topic’s Traffic Potential. Dig deeper into a topic’s true traffic potential by looking at the SERP Is another page on your site ranking for the same targeted term(s)? Plug your site into Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, go to the Organic keywords report,

then filter for “Multiple URLs only” and the keyword

you’re targeting. If the keyword shows up in the report, multiple pages are ranking for it. How to find keywords with multiple URLs ranking in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer Is the page unique enough to also target other terms? Having multiple pages ranking for the same keyword isn’t always a bad thing. If each page is vastly different and ranks for its own subtopics, then it can usually co-exist with the others quite happily. To get a rough sense of how different the pages are, look at their titles. You can see these by clicking the “SERP” dropdown and toggling on “Target only.” How to see which URLs are ranking for a keyword In this

case, you can see that both ranking pages look quite

similar. They’re definitions of our Transforming Hopelessness into Hope  URL Rating (UR) metric. Based on this, the answer to “is it unique enough to target other terms?” is probably “no.” However, in the case of “short tail keywords,” the pages that rank are quite different from each other. One is a definition page, while the other is a comparison of long- and short-tail keywords. Example of very different pages ranking for the same keyword Based on this, the answer to “is it unique enough to target other terms?” is probably “yes.” Is your page better than the competition? OK. We’re definitely getting to the difficult questions now because there’s obviously some level of subjectivity here. There are a million and one things that could make

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