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Despite strenuous efforts, a preparation that completely destroys the disease has not yet been invente. Patients must support themselves with drugs that act causally and modify the natural course of the disease. Meications can slow the progression of MS and postpone potential disability. During acute attacks, patients are given steroids to reuce the inflammatory process. MS is an incurable, chronic disease. Living with multiple sclerosis is hard and unpreictable. It requires constant adaptation to the changing situation. For many patients, a diagnosis is like a death sentence. Patients are often in shock. They feel fear, sadness, injustice, and even anger.

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To the world. For everything and everyone. Adapting to life with MS takes time. During this increibly difficult time, the support of family, friends and people who are experiencing the same is invaluable. The Good Returns Foundation is well aware Benin WhatsApp Number List of the everyday difficulties of living with MS and expensive treatment. Opinions of the patients are worth gold to her – the organization does its best to support the sick in this demanding time! We recommend PR agency – how can it help you.

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The Good Returns Foundation – the opinions of the charges are of great importance The Good Returns Foundation was establishe on the initiative of patients with multiple sclerosis. The foundation is create by a group of people who share the belief that BH Lists together we can do more. They are the ones who best understand the nees and problems of their charges. The know how difficult it is to deal with the diagnosis of an incurable disease. They understand how hard it can be. They are aware of the importance of true support and full understanding in this unequal struggle.

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