Cabarets and stand up How to make the official

For the Dobro Returns Foundation, the opinions of the charges are of the greatest importance. The Foundation disseminates information about the latest methods of MS treatment, helps newly diagnose find themselves in a difficult situation, cares for the comfort of all patients, integrates them and publicly represents their interests by participating in social consultations submitte by the Ministry of Health, organizing and supporting petitions on MS, or the SM Round Table. The Foundation teaches patients about everyday life with multiple sclerosis. It shows that despite an incurable disease, you can live a normal life.

Training also have its entertainment part

The Foundation’s goal is to improve the situation of patients – in every area of ​​life! Financial aid worth its weight in gold With multiple sclerosis, rehabilitation is of great importance, which consumes huge sums of money. In addition, there are the costs Bolivia WhatsApp Number List of purchasing drugs. What’s more, patients often have to be under the constant care of psychologists, psychiatrists and other specialists. Many patients do not have the opportunity to cover the costs of treatment from their own pockets – which the Dobro Returns Foundation is well aware of.

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

It is best to invite specialists in good

The opinions of the charges speak for themselves – the Foundation’s financial support is invaluable support for them in the fight against the disease. The Good Returns Foundation collects funds for treatment, rehabilitation, care and social BH Lists assistance for patients with MS. The funds are obtaine from collections of donations. What’s more, due to the status of a public benefit organization, the Foundation may participate in the 1% tax program. In 2021, the Dobro Returns Foundation enjoye great trust among Polish taxpayers.

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