PcComponentes highlights its fast and efficient service in its new humorous

PcComponentes launches its new and humorous spot where it highlights the great resolution capacity of its consumer service team and effectiveness of customer service. It is not the first time that the brand uses humor in its campaigns . Can you imagine calling PcComponentes and having the problem with your computer solved in 5 seconds? This happens to Javi in the brand’s new spot. As soon as they called. Therefore, they discovered that the error was one of the fans. They are “super decisive” , Javier highlights in the review and, in addition. Therefore, he gives 5 stars for the great service.

The fundamental pillars are the speed and effectiveness of customer service.

Humor is something characteristic top industry data of the brand and its CM is clear about it. Alicia Vicente. Therefore, brand & Communications Manager of PcComponentes , comments: «This new spot once again affects the commitments that are part of our DNA and that position us as an ecommerce with a 5-star service. In addition, experience in technology and our vocation for service are maxims of our Customer Service team that we wanted to capture with a touch of humor. Therefore, according to the recent study by PcComponentes on Customer Service in Ecommerce.

Fast times determine the quality of customer service

Consumers consider that fast times BH Lists determine the quality of customer service in technology ecommerc. Therefore, this being the most valued factor by of Spanish users. According to Noel Lang. Therefore, creative director of Gettingbetter, the agency that produced the spot. Using humor to talk about the efficiency of your customer service is something that. Therefore, paradoxically, only brands that take service very seriously can afford. , and that commitment is well known and recognized by the PcComponentes community, which endorses the company’s vocation for service with 94% positive ratings.

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