What is B2B email marketing

Then, we’ll share our findings from A/B testing email length to optimize conversions and response rates. Why is email length important? Before we untangle what the ideal email length is, let’s go over why email length is important. Here are some reasons why: Many factors are competing for your reader’s attention. Readers often scan emails instead of actually reading them. Email clients “clip” emails that are too long or too large. Let’s get into each of these reasons: You’re competing for your reader’s attention Readers receive on average 126 business emails a day. It’s unlikely they’ll devote a significant amount of time to each of these messages.

How to generate visually attractive emails

In fact, studies show that readers spend Algeria Email Lists about 51 seconds reading individual emails. Short emails with clear calls-to-action (CTA) are more likely to keep your subscribers’ attention than long emails. Readers don’t actually read emails According to a study by the Nielsen Norman group, email readers don’t actually read emails. Based on evidence obtained by eye-tracking software, the study found readers tended to simply scan email newsletters. In fact, readers often skip the introduction and only fully read about 19% of newsletter content.

Email List

Master the art of persuasive writing to boost

Use this knowledge to structure your email BH Lists copywriting to deliver your content where you know it’ll be read. Email clients “clip” emails that are too long or too large Size matters. If your email is too long or too large, your subscriber’s email client may shorten your email. This means your readers will only see part of your email. To read your entire message, they’ll have to click on a link to open the rest of your email in a web browser. If you haven’t captured their interest in the first part of the email, they’re unlikely to follow a link to another page to finish reading your email. More importantly, long emails could affect your deliverability.


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