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It is no different in the case of the manufacturer of bakery products, margarines, fats and culinary oils – VANDEMOORTELE. Work on providing the best products began in 1899 in Belgium. Since then, the brand has been developing intensively. By listening to the nees of the market and, above all, customers, it diversifies its activities. Expansion into new markets, thanks to the tasty offer, allowe the launch of many new brands, aime at various target groups, so that every consumer could find something for themselves.

A very interesting form

Currently, the company supplies products not only to individual customers, but also operates in the B2B area, supplying bakeries, restaurants and hotels. For the VANDEMOORTELE brand, work and opinions about the unquestionable quality of products Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List are base on the constant development of production. Undertaking research and introducing modern technologies is a step towards progress in the food industry. Your brand image matters! We will help you build it. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you VANDEMOORTELE – work focuse on consumers.

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Which however may not appeal to everyone

Nowadays, customers have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of various food products, because every year more and more brands appear on the market. Companies outdo each other in advertising campaigns, trying to reach the widest BH Lists possible group of consumers. The key to success, however, is a full understanding of the desires and nees of the target group, which the VANDEMOORTELE brand is fully aware of – work, opinions of its specialists are focuse primarily on contact with consumers, talking to them and asking the right questions.

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